Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Ladies, 4 Ways To Properly Care For Your Breasts

No matter what size breast a woman has,
caring for them is critical in reducing chances
of breast cancer and maintaining healthy
tissues. Need to know how to properly care
for your breasts?
Take a look at these tips and get started today.

Daily Massage

Massaging the breasts daily helps to promote
healthy cellular growth, further reducing one’s
chances of contracting breast cancer. Use the
time in the shower or while putting on lotion
after a shower to massage the breasts in a
circular motion with a firm pressure. This can
also be a great way to incorporate a healthy
habit during foreplay.

Self Exam

It’s recommended that women perform breast
self exams once a month to check for
irregular cellular growth also known as tumor
growth. Doing this exam right out of the
shower or right before entry into the shower
is best. The first three fingers are used to
massage around the entire breast in a circular
motion making sure to check for any lumps,
bruises or discoloration. Checking for
abnormalities or discharge at the nipple is
also recommended.

Pectoral exercises

Pectoral exercises help to build up the large
muscle underneath the breasts that help keep
the fat of the structure lifted and in place. To
make sure breasts maintain a shape and
remain healthy, perform sets of push-ups
daily. Five sets of 10 reps would be an ideal
daily goal.

Correct Bra Size

Over 60 percent of women are wearing the
wrong bra size, which can add to back pain
and bad posture. To keep breasts healthy, get
an accurate measurement done at a specialty
shop that sells undergarments solely. Knowing
what size is the correct size will create a more
comfortable support system for breasts to
grow and maintain shape.

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