Wednesday 24 September 2014

All About Superstitious Beliefs TGIF!!!!

So, I am sitting here thinking about my
already loaded weekend and my palm
itched. I immediately said to myself "yeah,
I am going to get money soon". Then I asked
myself "really"? (Yes, I do talk to myself like
that sometimes) The money thought has
always been the first thought in my head
whenever my palm(s) itch. I was told this
and some more as a kid and it grew on me.
I think it may have actually happened a
few times (sheer coincidence) now as an
adult and a woman of faith, I know all
that was bullcrap. I have learned to lol at
how silly some of them are.
Anyways, as you must have figured out,
my itchy palm is the reason for this post
because I began to ask myself how many of
these superstitious beliefs did I grow up
believing and have subconsciously held on
to all this while?

The free dictionary defines Superstition as
an irrational belief arising from
ignorance or fear. Abeg, too serious biko,
I am not talking about all those deep, scary
stuff. I want to talk about the rather silly
ones we believed as kids. You know the
ones you were sure could spare you some
punishments when you did something
wrong or the ones that could fetch you
some money. A good example is the one
where we'd remove 7 eyelashes and throw
away to make mother forget about those
strokes of cane we were to get. Nope, she
never forgot and even when my eye lashes
almost became bald, I kept tugging at them
with high hopes that she'd forget. I was a
firm believer mhen!

These are some of the ones I can remember
from back then. I knew them, I held onto
them and I believed them.
Crossing your fingers when
you wish on something to
be.... I still do this out of
Of course when your palms
itch, money!!!

Kill a centipede and you must
count all it's legs or you die
also . I never went near one,
I was bad at maths and I did
not want to die.

Point at a grave yard and you
have to bite all 10 of your
fingers or you will die.... This
was taken seriously because
my granny's house was not
far from a cemetery back

I always screamed blood of
Jesus whenever I hit my l eft
foot because, bad luck! Hit
your right leg, good luck.
Do not sweep at night. I don't
know why.
DO NOT whistle at night!
Cobwebs bring poverty.

If a person crosses over your
legs while you are sitting,
you'll have a child just like
them. I still feel
uncomfortable when anyone
crosses over my legs.

There was something about
cats. Especially black ones.
If the bottom of your feet
itch, you will make a trip

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